We are NewSpace!

We are Germany's NewSpace Network.
No matter if start-up, SME, investor, research institute, university or club.
We connect and support all space actors with our services!

Our Mission

We make spaceflight tangible and inspire people for space.
We develop technologies and concepts for NewSpace applications.
We connect people creating the future of spaceflight.

Get the latest news first - or join in for an adventure!

We are happy to send you information about upcoming events
and keep you up to date with our projects!

Upcoming events:




GAIA General Meeting

Braunschweig, Germany

October 28, 2023

Space Tech Expo Europe

Bremen, Germany

November 14-16, 2023

GAIA General Meeting

Braunschweig, Germany

October 28, 2023

Space Tech Expo Europe

Bremen, Germany

November 14-16, 2023